Two Amazing Literacy Books...Three Amazing Giveaways!

I can't believe the school year is almost up! I only have 15 more days left, and it seems like eternity. I know many of you will be in school for a few more weeks after and have a lot more to do before the end is here, but we all feel it! And this week is Teacher Appreciation Week, and I have some great goodies to give away.
Professional books are a great way to get some professional development on your own time. These two books make literacy ideas easy and readily available for all teachers!

{Affiliate links may be present in this post to fund future book purchases. I also received complimentary copies of the books to review. The opinions in this post are my own. No additional compensation was received.}

I love reading books, and some of my favorites are professional books. Scholastic has released two new books that are amazing resources for any reading teacher, which they sent me to review and give away. Below is some information about each one, but stay tuned for three giveaways!

Responsive Literacy

Every reading teacher NEEDS this book, Responsive Literacy, on the bookshelf! When I received the book in the mail, I couldn't believe the size. It is huge and chock full of everything every reading teacher could want or need to know about teaching literacy. It says it is "A Comprehensive Framework", and that it is! 
Professional books are a great way to get some professional development on your own time. These two books make literacy ideas easy and readily available for all teachers!

The book is broken up into six sections, each written by different authors in that specialty. That means you get researchers like Gay Su Pinnell writing about guided reading and not about writing across the curriculum. 

Most professional books I have on my shelf showcase some great older children's literature to use for my lessons, but not this one! Believe it or not, this book showcases NEW books to use in your lessons. Just take a look at some of the ideas shared in this book by so many leaders in the literacy world!

The Megabook of Fluency

Who doesn't love Tim Rasinski?! When I need some fluency ideas, I go back to my Goodbye, Round Robin book all the time! But now he, along with Melissa Cheesman Smith, has come out with a book to beat all fluency books! The Megabook of Fluency not only gives you strategies to help with reading fluency but also simple texts to engage readers.

The beginning of the book introduces fluency to literacy teachers and defines it in an easy way:  EARS.
Professional books are a great way to get some professional development on your own time. These two books make literacy ideas easy and readily available for all teachers!

Then each fluency lesson idea shows you which parts of fluency are covered in the lesson. Win-win! And the lessons are super easy to incorporate into any curriculum you may use.

Most lessons also have printable pages right in the book! It is a resource that will be off of my shelf more than it is on one! I can't wait until next year to use this book with so many of my students.

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