We ended school over a week ago, and I have been busy reading and getting posts ready. My son came home with a middle school list of books that were recommended. I took a look at it and saw one in particular I really wanted to read El Deafo
1. She is from the Roanoke area and lives about 45 minutes away.
2. She is married to Tom Angleberger, one of my son's favorite authors.
3. It is a Newberry Honor Book for 2015.
4. It was on my son's list of books to read.
So, I quickly got it from the library and read it in a couple of hours.
It is great! The story is written as a graphic novel, which appeals to many children. CeCe tells the story of her own life, portrayed as a rabbit, as a young deaf child who has to wear a special hearing aid called a phonic ear. The struggles she faces make it real for children who have not encountered anything like it. She just wants for people to understand her and for her own life to be normal. She has feelings like any other student in school, and she deals with it just like we all do.
I think this book is great for anyone, just anyone. It definitely helps children understand other children who have disabilities.
Don't forget to link up throughout the summer. I look forward to finding out about some new books my son, daughter, and I can read during the summer!
An InLinkz Link-up
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