Silly Easy to Make Free Learning Mazes

This week is full of fun in the Reading Center!  {Of course, it is always fun in the Reading Center!}  For my Kindergarteners and First Graders, we are focusing on Dr. Seuss Fun.

Earlier this year, I found this wonderful video from Teacher Tipster.  Have you seen him?  He has AMAZING and simple ideas that anyone can use!!  This one was so easy I used it that very day!  You simply take any maze, add words, letters, math problems, etc. to it.  Then the kids have to follow the path to the end.  If they get to a "dead end", they have to go back and read all of the words they went over {or whatever you have for them to do}.

Here is a video because he explains it soooo much better than I ever could!

 Here is the maze I am using that I got from Homeschool Share Blog.

Then I added to them to make mazes for my various students. 
Letters of the Alphabet ~ They have to go in order to get to the end.

Sight Words

Short a/Short u Words ~ Follow only those words to the end.
The students LOVE these, and they are so easy to make.  Here are some sites with some good FREE mazes!  Or you could always use coloring books pages with them in it.

Krazy Dad ~ "books of mazes"
Mazes Online
Print ~ Has letter mazes to print
All Kids Network ~ LOTS of FREE mazes!

Just "Google" free mazes and see what you get ~ LOTS of free mazes!

Hope this is something fun your kids will enjoy too!  Any grade level would love this because you can get some really intricate mazes and put in vocabulary or math problems for the older crowd.  My third graders love when I make these for them too!  I love watching and listening to them work them out!

Until next time!


  1. Brilliant! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Smiles from 2nd Grade

  2. Cute idea! Always looking for another letter learning resource. Thanks :)

  3. What an awesome idea!! I love that this can be easily differentiated! I have never seen his videos I will have to check more of them out! Thanks for posting!

  4. Great idea! The teacher tipster always has such fun ideas. Have you tried his stacking cup activities (dixie cups w/ sight words that you stack to make a tower)? My kids love that one. I'm going to try the maze idea. Thanks for sharing!
    Teacher Treasure Hunter


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