I use games a lot in my lessons, especially for review. But how will we play a board game? No problem! I made a copy of the board for each student. Each student gets his or her own die or spinner, along with the cards and piece to move needed for the game. Now, each student picks up a card from his or her pile and reads it/does what it says. If the task is done correctly, roll/spin and move on. Sometimes I will even call out a word or task for them to work with and then spin/roll. Now everyone is involved all the time! This may be the newest way to play a game!
Another easy to do game for distance learning is Parking Lot games. These are customizable for everyone. I simply made several lots in different colors and give each child a dry erase marker. Then I tell them to write certain letters, features, words, whatever into different spaces on their boards. Then I give them each a car to "drive". When I call out or show a word, they move their car into the space where it belongs. After we finish, I sanitize it all and move on!
And then what about Guess Who? I love this game, and kids can sit pretty far across from each other to play this one. I keep a couple of these boards handy for times like these. In this particular version, students have to read CVC words and then figure out the words their partner has. This can be done with so many word features and skills. And making it is so simple!
Finding ways to play games in this "new normal" will prove to be tricky, but I think I've found a way to make it work for everyone. Review is always fun, and it's even more fun with games.
How will you use games in your classroom and still be socially distanced?

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