Dazzle Ships Come to Book Talk Thursday

It's back! Book Talk Thursday is back as I look read and review the 2019-2020 Virginia Readers' Choice book. Today I am taking a moment to review one of the picture books on the elementary list.
Dazzle Ships, a picture book about the intricate boat designs of World War I tells an amazing story you won't forget.

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It's World War I, and the world is under attack. How can the naval forces survive the U-boat attacks from Germany?

Chris Barton tells us more about this trend as we read Dazzle Ships:  World War I and the Art of Confusion.

The intriguing and beautifully illustrated book tells the story of how Norman Wilkinson helped the British Navy avoid being detected by the German U-boats and submarines. Painting ships with crazy designs was the answer to the problem.

I absolutely love how the book tells the story of a part of history that many people know little about. Chris Barton tells the story from beginning to end how one man's idea led to a helpful solution that would change the course of the war.

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Dazzle Ships, a picture book about the intricate boat designs of World War I tells an amazing story you won't forget.

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