My Awesome Summer Freebie on Book Talk Thursday!

Summer is finally here, and it has arrived with all the summer has to offer. Sunshine, heat, and insects! Lots and lots of insects! So what do we know about these amazing creatures?

Learning about insects' life cycles can be fun and exciting when a praying mantis is involved. With a freebie, this mentor text should be high on any list!

{Affiliate links are scattered throughout this post to help fund future book purchases.}
Today's Book Talk Thursday is the final book on the Virginia Readers' Choice primary list, My Awesome Summer by P. Mantis, written by Paul Meisel is one that will make everyone wonder about the life cycles of the amazing insects around us.

One thing is for sure, we teach our students a lot about life cycles, mostly a butterfly and frog. But how cool is is to learn about an amazing creature like the praying mantis?

Paul Meisel brings the praying mantis' life cycle to life through his fun book My Awesome Summer by P. Mantis. Set up like a diary of sorts, the reader travels with a praying mantis as he learns how to live like other praying mantises. He eats aphids (and family members), learns to fly, and even blends in with his surroundings. His entire summer is full of surprises as he grows and lives.

What a great science lesson and fun book to introduce life cycles of insects to young children. They will laugh at some of his adventures as they learn what it takes to survive as a praying mantis.

This makes a fun way for students to learn about other insects' life cycles. After reading the book, students can learn about other insects' lives and make a small brochure to show how that animal lives and survives in the wild, much like the one below.
Learning about insects' life cycles can be fun and exciting when a praying mantis is involved. With a freebie, this mentor text should be high on any list!

I have created and shared this with you to use after reading the book My Awesome Summer by P. Mantis with your students. They will LOVE the book and have fun researching and writing about insects! Just click here or on the image above or below to grab your copy.
Learning about insects' life cycles can be fun and exciting when a praying mantis is involved. With a freebie, this mentor text should be high on any list!

Next week I will begin to focus on the chapter books in the elementary list. So stop by to see what those are all about!

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Learning about insects' life cycles can be fun and exciting when a praying mantis is involved. With a freebie, this mentor text should be high on any list!

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