Unicorn Facts and Opinions on Book Talk Thursday

Fact and opinion can be fun when unicorns are involved! Find ways to help students understand this somewhat tricky skill.

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Unicorns, fact or fiction? I always believed they are real, out there somewhere. And so do many of my students. But facts and opinions with unicorns? You bet! With the book You Don't Want a Unicorn (affiliate link) will help us all understand those important facts and opinions.

Book Summary

It all starts when a young boy walks up to a fountain to make a wish ~ for a unicorn. An outside force, the author, tells him why he shouldn't have a unicorn. They shed, they scratch, and they can't be house-trained. Of course, there are plenty of fun things about unicorns, but the young boy needs to understand why it would not be wise to have such an amazing creature.

Classroom Application

I used this book with my fourth and fifth graders to teach facts and opinions. The book is full of both of them in a fun way. While reading the book to my students, I split them into two groups, one group to find facts and one to find opinions. They wrote them out and shared them out in the group.
Fact and opinion can be fun when unicorns are involved! Find ways to help students understand this somewhat tricky skill.

Fact and opinion can be fun when unicorns are involved! Find ways to help students understand this somewhat tricky skill.

Using a fun book like You Don't Want a Unicorn (affiliate link) will have kids thinking through facts and opinions while laughing at the same time.
Fact and opinion can be fun when unicorns are involved! Find ways to help students understand this somewhat tricky skill.

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