Fancy Nancy as a Mentor Text for Academic Vocabulary

Academic vocabulary really helps students as they read tests and test questions. This will help them as they prepare for the upcoming state assessments.
It's that time of year for so many of us right now. Our spring break ended on Friday, and the testing has begun. With many of my groups. I have been working on academic vocabulary. I wanted to share some of the activities we did with you in The Reading Crew's spring link up! {Affiliate links provided in this post to fund future book purchases.}

I always like to start off my lessons with a mentor text to get us up and running. This usually works as the hook to get my students interested in the lessons that come after. I love Fancy Nancy books, and I found the perfect book for springtime:  Fancy Nancy: Bonjour Butterfly. In the book, she is down because she can't go to her friend's birthday but has to go to her grandparents' anniversary party.

If you haven't read a Fancy Nancy book, you are missing out! These books are chock full of higher level words that really make kids think. She constantly uses big words and tells the reader what they mean. For example, Nancy scowls, sulks, and storms around the house when she is mad.
Academic vocabulary really helps students as they read tests and test questions. This will help them as they prepare for the upcoming state assessments.

Though this isn't really academic vocabulary, we talked about how those big words help us know and understand what we are reading. I then showed the students some words they may see in test questions and daily school life. We talked about how to read them and what they all mean. Here is the anchor chart we have started. We will continue to add words as we discuss them.
Academic vocabulary really helps students as they read tests and test questions. This will help them as they prepare for the upcoming state assessments.

After discussing the meanings, I put students into groups and gave them some questions to read. While reading the questions and answers, their goal was to find the words and highlight them. (Yes, I checked to make sure the words were there!) They shared their findings and told what the words mean and how to answer the questions.

Finally, we played the FUN game! Using the cards in my Growing Academic Vocabulary Game, we played the board game. They had a blast!
Academic vocabulary really helps students as they read tests and test questions. This will help them as they prepare for the upcoming state assessments.

And you can grab a copy of it by clicking {here} or on the picture below.

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Academic vocabulary really helps students as they read tests and test questions. This will help them as they prepare for the upcoming state assessments.



  1. Love, love, LOVE anything to do with Fancy Nancy and vocabulary! Your game is adorable. Thank you :)
    The Techie Teacher

    1. Thanks! My daughter LOVES Fancy Nancy, and we love reading them together. They are so perfect for vocabulary development too!


  2. I LOVE Fancy Nancy books, I find myself saying "That's a fancy way of saying" all the time when reading other books, lol.

    Reading with Mrs. D

    1. It really does make it easy for all kids to understand. And the kids, even the boys, enjoy it too!


  3. This book is so rich with vocabulary - what a great choice!

    1. Fancy Nancy is always such a great character to help with tough vocabulary concepts.


  4. I love Fancy Nancy and look forward to trying out your lesson! Thank you for your ideas and resources. :)


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