Book Talk Thursday ~ Ira Says Goodbye

  Today I cried more than I imagined I would.  My husband and I bought a perfect home 13 years ago, or at least that is what I thought.  We were the first owners, raised our children here, and made so many memories here.  But today we left it all for a home that is even more perfect.  Now for Book Talk Thursday!

A couple of years ago we thought we might move away but changed our minds.  We would miss our home too much.  I remember reading this particular book to my group of second graders and crying.  Then I called my husband and said, "It's not time to move."

  Ira Says Goodbye is a wonderful story about a young boy whose best friend and next door neighbor moves away.  The emotions he goes through as he tells his friend goodbye really hit home for me.
Though his friend is not going too far away, Ira still feels pain as his friend leaves.  He then realizes that his friend is close enough to go visit, and all is OK.

You see, my son is the friend who is moving away from our next door neighbor.  They have been friends since they were 4 and are now 11.  We are moving 5 minutes away and not changing schools, but they can't just go over to each other's houses whenever they want.
Zack went with Alek's family on vacation this year.  Here they are together!
And I am losing a close friend next door to me.  His mom is one of my closest friends, and I spend a lot of time with her talking about life and enjoying time together.

Robyn and I out on Thanksgiving Night!

So, today I cried, not because I am going to miss my house, but because I am going to miss the relationships I have built.  Now it's time to make some new memories and relationships!

Don't forget to link up again for Book Talk Thursday!


    An InLinkz Link-up

1 comment

  1. I love that book! I can only imagine how emotional this move has been. We will be saying goodbye to our first home next year. Best wishes!


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