Five for Friday ~ May 1, 2015

It's Friday, and what a week it has been!  I haven't been around for Five for Friday because I have been sooo busy!  This week, I actually have time to post!  Yay!
1.  I started out my week with assessing the second and fifth graders in our school with the PALS assessment.  One of the second grade teachers is out on maternity leave, so I had the honor of assessing her students' reading progress.  Wow!  Her kids have made so much progress this year!  Some of them moved up 2 reading levels.  Now that is awesome!

2.  This has been my view the rest of the week as I actively monitor the students I am giving the Virginia SOL tests to.  Yay.

3.  Look at this cutie on Western Roundup Day for her preschool!  She was just a little excited!

4.  Stop by Adventures in Literacy Land next week to see some great posts and enter to win a laminator!

5.  Teachers Pay Teachers and Teacher's Notebook are both having big Teachers Appreciation Sales!  Teacher's Notebook starts tomorrow and Teachers Pay Teachers starts on May 5.  My store will be 20% off for both sales.

How was your week?

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