Five for Friday ~ August 15, 2014

It has been a super busy week for me!  I am sharing everything with you in Five for Friday!

1.  On Monday we put our sweet dog, Abby down.  She was 16 years old and struggled to walk or do much of anything.  It was a sad, sad day!

2.  My son's first day of school was Tuesday.  Our bus stop started with 9 children and is down to just the three boys ~ one third of the original crew!

3.  We had 5 days of rain, so I was excited to see some blue skies!  Love that sun, even though it doesn't feel like August but more like April.
4.  Our kid's first day of school was on Thursday.  One of our parents put up this spread of goodies for us in the teacher's lounge.  Yummy!
5.  There is a fun cooking themed blog hop going on right now!  You can click on the picture below to take you to my blog post that has a fun freebie with it too!
What have you been up to this week?  Head on over to Doodle Bugs Teaching and link up!


  1. We've had a mild summer here too. I managed one day in the pool this week. Water was freezing, but it was nice to soak up some sun!

    Teaching Little Miracles

  2. I am so sorry about your dog - it's so hard to lose a pet. Those parents made amazing treats!

  3. So sorry about Abby. I know that was a hard day for you. I was cold helping with morning bus duty! Who would've thought that in August?! Have a good weekend!

    Learning is for Superstars
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