Snow Day!

Yesterday we had the entire day off of school because of a threat of snow.  Our weatherman even said at 5:15 to "take a picture now and then one 24 hours later.  Your yard will look different."  Yeah right!  Here are my pictures!
Monday at 5:15
Tuesday at 5:25 See any differences?  Me either!

Then around 7 PM, everyone in my area started posting pictures of snow!  And there it was!  Snow!  Only about 2-3 inches of it, but enough to go play in!

I just wanted to share some of our fun pictures in the snow as I have enjoyed another day off today.  Enjoy and stay warm!
Night sledding on the driveway
It's snowing!

Ready to go!
Street sledding


  1. Looks like my snow day Tuesday! No snow until about 4pm. Now we are closed Wed. and thurs and we only have an inch or two of snow. Its crazy.

  2. Looks like my snow day Tuesday! No snow until about 4pm. Now we are closed Wed. and thurs and we only have an inch or two of snow. Its crazy.

  3. We had a snow day today, too! Hope you had fun! :)

    Lovin’ Kindergarten

  4. We had the same thing happen to us!! Snow was supposed to arrive in the early hours Tuesday morning, so school was called off and it didn't really start until late that afternoon! We had a snow day today and I'm thinking we'll probably be out tomorrow due to the cold and snowy roads! Looks like you had a fun snow day!
    Polka Dot Lesson Plans

  5. I guess the school bigwigs that make the snow day decisions need to be reminded that a forecast is still just the meteorologist's best guess. lol Hope you enjoyed your day off.
    I'm Not Your Grandpa, I'm Your Teacher

  6. I love all the pictures!!! They made me smile.
    Curious Firsties

  7. LOL! We were one of the few school systems around Richmond that was open Tuesday. We released early and then waited around for it all to start. It got here at 4 on the dot! Glad you ended up with enough snow to play in!

    Don't Let the Teacher Stay Up Late
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  8. hahaha your first two pictures made me laugh out loud. I feel that way a lot on our days off of school- I typically run errands! :-)

    Real Teachers Learn


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