Anyone Have a Clue?

I am still here!  I have been so busy getting my blog posts ready for next week when I am out of town that I have forgotten about this week!  Ugh!  I am just excited that Louisiana will have MUCH warmer weather than here!  Their lows will be higher than our highs!!!!  I am ready for 80 degree weather at last!

Anyway, the other day I was working with my first graders on blending and segmenting words.  This was our second day, and I had them write the sounds they heard in their sound boxes.  We had been working on the short e sound.  I called out the word rest, and this is what I got.
He said all of the sounds correctly, but wrote this instead.  Does anyone have any rhyme or reason for this?  This student does this a lot, and we are working with him in Tiers II and III interventions.  Yet, nothing has really hit home for him.

Are there any suggestions for helping him with hearing and knowing the sounds in words?

Thanks so much!


  1. I have a student who does this same thing. Unfortunately, I'm going to say this may be processing disorder. My student is identified. Have you looked into/considered testing?

    1. He is going through a process with interventions now, but our psychologist likes to wait until they are in third grade to test. It is very frustrating! I am going to research some strategies for him. At least his mom is concerned too, and I know she will help out in any way.


  2. I'm at a loss. What about phonic phones? You've probably already tried that. Enjoy your break and bring back some warm weather!!

    Hokie Teach

    1. I will bottle up some of the 80 degree weather and bring it here, though I would love the 70's for a while. Enjoy your break!


  3. Sometimes kids are a mystery, huh? You've probably already done this, but maybe he would be best doing elkonin boxes one-on-one for a while. It sounds like he's got good segmenting skills. Is he simply not connecting the right sounds to the right letters and needs to work on the alphabet? Like I said, mysterious! Good luck.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  4. Is your little guy is associating t and p all the time? or just the final t? He is closing his mouth after the final T and his mouth has pushed out air making the t sound just like a "P" and once his lips are closed he might think he heard a "P" instead of a T. Poor guy! You are a great teacher and will help him get the help he needs.

    Do you want to link up again????

    This month’s High/ Low Linky is up and running. I would love to have you join us again! Click here to link up. I can’t wait to read how the month of March has been for you.
    Teacher to the Core


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